Time & Location
Feb 26, 2023, 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM EST
About the event
Dear Team
Thanks to all your efforts, we have been making progress in building systems and defining various roles and processes.
We request you to block time on 26th Feb to join and discuss
1. Governance - using Gsuite / Website for planning meetings; google sheet/docs/drive for collaboration
2. Wix website, event management and CRM - changes being introduced from March onwards
3. Overview of Team Sat, Agni and Dhyey
4. Plans for March and April
We will do this meeting twice on 26th so that all of you can join atleast one of the time slots. It is highly important that we all align with the way we want to plan meetings and collaborate with each other.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81979756296?pwd=WWFUZHlTMXlta0JCTlF1SnFaQkNqQT09 Meeting ID: 819 7975 6296 Passcode: 793311
Many thanks